// PaperBridge is an outdoor art installation created by artist Steve Messam, open to the public until May 18. It comprises 22,000 sheets of paper, made at Cumbria's Burneside Mill and carefully packed together over a wooden frame which was subsequently removed. It will be sent back to the mill for recycling once the installation is complete. The bridge was inspired by other temporary constructions, including Tokyo architect Siguru Ban's cardboard bridge in France. However, Messam's structure doesn't rely on fixings and instead rests on "vernacular architectural principles as used in drystone walls and the original pack-horse bridges that dot the Lake District," he says. // 


// One day an artist was going on at length about all he did to purify and perfect his colors. M. Chardin, annoyed at hearing such talk from a man whom he knew to be no more than a cold and careful technician, said to him; "But who told you that painting was done with color?" "What is it done with, then?" the other artist asked in surprise. "Colors are employed," said M. Chardin, "but painting is done with emotions." //

[ Cochin, Charles-Nicolai, Essay on the Life of M. Chardin ]


The potential of one spatial configuration to transform according to different narratives is the sphere of scenography. When a collection of seating elements offers such possibility, space planing can turn into //composing of personal landscapes//. Inspired by the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, Les Angles is a set of eight modules with soft polygonal surfaces, that can be easily fitted together to form a paving and cover the surface of a floor, wall or ceiling. The geometry of the modules invites the user to activate his imagination and his body to test the facets, explore their potential and then decide about their function. These pieces of furniture, designed by Stephanie Marin, are not passive and quiet but catalysts for discovery and transformation, they are active participants in constructing and re-defining space.


// Show me the way 
To the next whisky bar 
Oh, don't ask why 
Oh, don't ask why 

For if we don't find 
The next whisky bar 
I tell you we must die 
I tell you we must die 
I tell you, I tell you 
I tell you we must die 