Inertia being one of the demons preventing people from reaching their full potential, a network of experts and academics has been formed under the name The Institute of Inertia, to work together to try to deconstruct the process of achieving goals and understand what makes people take action, end objective being to help people make better financial decisions and stop wasting their time and money. Led by dr. Thomas Webb, a social psychologist, the team will during the next 12 months conduct research with the members of general public and explore the behavioral barriers that restrain people from taking action and prevent them to manage their finances better. The long-term goal of the Institute is to develop "tools" for breaking the psychological inertia and inspire people reframe their behavior and choose to take action instead of staying within the comfort zone. 

To mark the launch of the Institute, and help understand the reasons for financial inertia, an online quiz has been developed. Whether a person has their ‘Head in the Clouds’, ‘Head in the Sand’, or lets their ‘Heart rule their Head",  the quiz provides tips based on individual’s results.